
Blog Articles Tagged with “sustainability”

    SAIA Fish Lists

    Often discussed but obviously not being stressed enough is the topic of unsuitable species. Therefore SAIA has compiled a list of marine aquarium species/families who are difficult to keep alive and thriving in the long-term in the

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    Turf war in Hawai'i

    Since decades a turf war is going on in island paradise Hawai'i. Opponents of the marine aquarium trade and hobby demand the ban of the aquarium fishery from Hawaiian waters, whereas the Department of Aquatic Resources improves

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    How many Dorys are there in the sea?

    SAIA intends to start a project in collaboration with scientists researching the status of Paracanthurus hepatus populations in Indonesia and in the Philippines. The project seeks to use the public attention

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    Dory Interview (Coral Magazine)

    CM in interview with Christiane Schmid about the effects that Disney-Pixar's new movie Finding Dory could have on the marine aquarium trade and about the objectives of the SAIA campaign "All Eyes on Dory".

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