Biology, Aquarium Keeping and Health Issues in P. hepatus
A scientific view on Dory: Dr. Ike Olivotto, professor at the University of Ancona, Italy, with research focus on marine ornamental breeding, has provided a comprehensive article on
Biology, Aquarium Keeping and Health Issues in P. hepatus
A scientific view on Dory: Dr. Ike Olivotto, professor at the University of Ancona, Italy, with research focus on marine ornamental breeding, has provided a comprehensive article on
…A Critical Assessment of Aquarist Biodiversity Data and Commercial Aquaculture
This study by Murray and Watson investigates the biodiversity in hobbyist aquaria (using an online survey) and those species currently available from an aquaculture
…Managing the marine aquarium trade with polychaetes
In the absence of current monitoring or legislation to govern the trade, baseline information regarding the species, number and source location of animals traded is missing despite being critical
…Post-harvest mortality in the marine aquarium trade
There is a strong interest, motivated by sound economic and conservational reasons, in avoiding post-harvest mortalities. Every dying fish means a financial loss and a waste of fishing effort, as